Monday, October 6, 2008

My musical weekend...

I had quite the musical weekend. Friday night I went to see a great band play at Hotel Cafe, a super hipster live music venue in Hollywood. For the record, I am not a super hipster but thankfully they let me in the door even though I wasn't wearing black skinny jeans and/or a mullet.

If you haven't heard Stephen Kellogg and The Sixers, please download some of their tunes immediately. Seriously. They're THAT GOOD. Plus, I'm a sucker for a guy in sue me. Click here to check out their web site to hear a little bit (the navigation is in the bottom left hand corner...Sweet Sophia is my favorite!).

You're welcome.

Musical weekend moment numero dos. American Idol Karaoke Revolution for Wii. No, I'm not kidding. No, I'm not a 13 year old Hannah Montana fan. (though I do love Miley Cyrus and I will not be judged by you) AI: Karaoke Revolution comes with a microphone (a microphone! yay!) and you have to sing to the beat, keeping the pitch right the whole time. Sure sure, it sounds easy but let me tell you this - I have an all new respect for Gladys Knight. Midnight Train to Georgia is a HARD FREAKIN' SONG to sing.

The fiancee and I played for about four hours on Saturday night. I truly feel that listening to my man sing Copacabana and Tiny Dancer has made us THAT MUCH CLOSER. It's only a matter of time before we get evicted...or at the very least investigated for suspicion of abusing cats in apartment 17.

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