Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Life in my personal sitcom...

Sometimes my life takes odd turns and I find myself somehow embroiled in events and activities that result in all sorts of hilarity ensuing. Unfortunately that hilarity often ensues as a direct result of physical injury to my person, or a solid blow to my ego. And this weekend was no different.

My fiancee and I were helping my sister and brother-in-law with a little spring/fall cleaning. My fiancee and brother-in-law were in the garage, playing with power tools and burping or chest thumping or whatever it is that men do when they're not in the presence of ladies. My sister and I were cleaning out the tiny walk-in closet in my nephew's room.

So there I am, barefoot, sweaty, and knee deep in piles of burp cloths and rubber nipples, when my sister Michelle comes in to show me something.

And that's when it happened. My nephew (who is not even two years old) slammed the closet door shut, locking Michelle and me in a 3X5 foot closet. After about 10 minutes of cooing "Max, sweetie...open the door...turn the knob. Max? Come on lovie...open the door." and getting only "Mama, close! Close door!" in response, we decided that drastic measures were needed.

I'm not going to go into ALL the details but I'll end with this: to escape we had to LITERALLY kick our way - Jackie Chan style - out of the closet all while singing children's songs and saying things like, "Auntie Denise is so silly, isn't she? Making all this loud noise!" to soothe my screaming nephew.

I have a cracked rib and a seriously bruised and scratched leg to show for it.

But the best part of the story is this. We go out to the garage - my nephew won't stop shaking, my sister is red and puffy from crying, I have blood trickling down my leg. And what do the men in our lives do? They laugh.

That's right. LAUGH! Oh sure...it's funny now! But being locked in a room the size of a mini-fridge with another adult and ZERO circulation is NOT FUNNY at the time! And forgive me if I can't see the humor in a CRACKED FREAKIN' RIB!

...okay, well now I can see the humor but I can't laugh because it hurts. So I'll just blog.

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