Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Blogging withdrawal

I used to have a blog. In it I made snarky and witty comments about celebrities and their failings, both as it relates to fashion and life. I gently suggested to Lindsay Lohan that tights do not count as pants unless you are an acrobat and/or Superman.

I maternally pointed out to Chloe Sevigny that dressing like my aunt Estella circa 1983 is neither clever, ironic or cool unless you're auditioning for an off-Broadway tribute to the Golden Girls. (which would be AWESOME, by the way. Get on it, Lloyd Webber.)

Yet for some reason when I moved from NYC to LA - a city that is home to enough celebricrap for all the bloggers in the world to stay very, very busy - I lost the urge to blog. It was just too easy. Like shooting very thin, very tan, very Botoxed fish in a barrel. Since I've lived here Nicole Richie has driven the wrong way on the 134 freeway, went to jail for 48 hours or so, had a baby and turned into quite a lovely young lady by all accounts. Stud-muffin Matthew McConaughey is now a daddy and hasn't lately been photographed wearing only a smile and a strategically placed bongo drum. Even Paris Hilton seems to be M.I.A., hawking shoes on billboards littering Sunset Boulevard and making somewhat clever political videos.

Perhaps we're all growing up. I mean I, for one, have bigger fish to fry these days. (I'm in Wedding Planning Purgatory and my fiancee and I have reached the poignant "my stuff is nicer than your stuff so get to Craigslist-ing" phase in our relationship. Thankfully he agrees and has been a good sport...except when it comes to the drawer of "commermorative t-shirts" but why split hairs?) The point is, I've got too much going on in my life these days to care about Lindsay Lohan's improper use of undergarments, or Chloe's misguided love of polyesther blends. And really, who am I to judge? These days my definition of "couture" is Banana Republic, and The Container Store has replaced Bloomingdales as my favorite store.

But fret not, dear readers. For there are plenty of interesting topics to blog about. I'm sitting in my hotel room in Chicago and watching Dr. Phil discuss Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin's 17-year old pregnant daughter who may or may not also be the real mother of Palin's youngest baby. (I'm fairly certain that was a plot on a recent episode of As The World Turns.) And New Kids On The Block will be performing on the Today Show tomorrow. (NKOTB! OMG!) And 90210 is back on the air only Jenny Garth is now the school counselor and the main stars are young enough to be my children. AND I just booked a hair stylist for my wedding! Em, okay so maybe that last point isn't as exciting as the first three.

The point is I'm back and better than ever, with 50% less sodium and 50% more sass!


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