Monday, September 8, 2008

Jonas Brothers are magic

I've said it before and I'll say it again. If I were a 15 year old girl I would be IN LOVE with The Jonas Brothers. All three of them. I'm a sucker for curls. And here's the thing: I never thought they were particularly talented but then last night happened and my thoughts were confirmed. Not only are they NOT particularly talented, but they are pretty awful, actually. (please don't miss, at around 2:08, the chubby teens practically trampling each other to get closer to the stage...yes, that would have been me 15 years ago)

The entire performance (especially the part where they "rock out, Disney style") I was having flashbacks of the episode of the Brady Bunch where Peter's voice starts cracking right before they're about to record that brilliant musical number, Time To Change.

You know what? It's been too damn long since I last heard that little diddy, so here it is, in all its glory. Try to tell me you're not itching to run out for a tambourine and a fringed leather daishiki?

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