Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Are you ready for some football?

I am not an advertising expert. I don't get paid to come up with clever and compelling copy that makes consumers run to their computers and retail outlets, credit cards in hand. But I think if I did get paid to come up with great ads, they probably wouldn't include pervasive eye handicaps.

Apparently the folks at the Oakland Raiders NFL franchise don't agree with my strategy:

I know that the Raider mascot is a tough dude sporting an eye patch...but how is a little old lady wearing an eye patch and telling me to "let it out" supposed to make me want to rush out to buy football tickets? The only thing it makes me want to buy is eye drops for Nana.

Maybe I'm just tired and cranky but I think tonight I'll be haunted by nightmares of my grandma Mima dressed up like a pirate, chasing me around an endless football field telling me - in a deep manly voiceover-voice - to let it out. Oh the horror.

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