Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hen House Television

I know The View has a huge viewership and women love it and feel they can "relate" to the hosts. I get it. It's a money maker for ABC. Every time Whoopi says something controversial or Elizabeth cries it's all over the news and the interwebs. So clearly SOMEONE is watching.


But I hate it. I can't stand the sound of a group of women talking over each other, jockeying for position, trying to out gab each other. To me - and I realize this statement will not be popular with the ladies - it sounds like hens in a hen house. (is someone going to revoke my feminist card now?)

The latest offender is the third (4th? 16th?) hour of the Today Show with Hoda Kotbe (who I really like) and Kathie Lee Gifford (who I despise with the heat of 10,000 suns).

Yes, yes...I get it. Women love Kathie Lee. She's probably boosting NBC's ratings by a million points...or 10 points? Or however those rating systems work. But come on, people. Kathie Lee just told Dr. Phil to speak into her "heaving bosom."

I can't. I just can't.

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