Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Confessions of a stress eater...

sample of junk food for *ArgoArgo* Pictures, Images and Photos

I've always envied people who can't eat when they're stressed. I am not that way. In fact, when I get stressed out I eat more than normal. And it's not just that - I eat CRAP.

Let's take the last two days as an example:

For dinner on Sunday I ate 3/4 of a box of Tagalong girl scout cookies. Maybe that wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't had a box of Cheese Nips 100-calorie packs for breakfast. (for those of you keeping score at home, there are either six or eight 100-calorie packs in a box - I lost track after number five...and I'm fairly certain they're not designed to all be consumed in one sitting) Yesterday I had McDonalds for lunch - chicken strips, fries and a chocolate milkshake, thank you very much - followed by lemonade and gummy bears for dinner.

In my defense, I was at the movies. (I went to see Twilight...which is a whole other blog post.) Still...gross.

I realize of course that this isn't healthy. That just because I'm stressed doesn't mean I should try to induce diabetes. But I can't help it!

I'm reminded of a poem by Shel Silverstein:

I Must Remember
I must remember…
Turkey on Thanksgiving,
Pudding on Christmas,
Eggs on Easter,
Chicken on Sunday,
Fish on Friday,
Leftovers, Monday.
But ah, me – I am such a dunce.
I went and ate then all at once.

Except in my case you'd have to replace the "turkey" with "cheese-flavored foods" and "eggs" with "egg McMuffins."

But today is a new day and I need to learn to channel my energy into something that is not made wholly out of Crisco and cholesterol. I'm not certain what that something will be...but anything has to be better than Death by Girl Scout Cookie, no?

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