Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Interesting site of the week...

police Pictures, Images and Photos

I'm slightly skeeved out by this web site but my fiancee heard about it on NPR this morning and I thought I'd share.

Property Room is a police auction site. Things that they've confiscated from "alleged"(see how legally savvy I am?) criminals are posted on this site and you can bid on them.

Why does it skeeve me out? Because I just know that I'd buy a ring hiding a stolen diamond or map to 300 kilos of coke or secret formula that the "criminals" would come after me for. I can't take that risk, people. I have so much to live for.

Oh sure, I know what you're thinking. "Girl, you read too many cheesy airport novels." Well you're right but things happen to me that just don't happen to other people. And I can't take that chance.

But you...you should TOTALLY buy something pretty and tell me all about it.

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